jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

Culture, work and class

La semana pasadapensado que llegaria a mis metas de alumnos, y ayer me entere que no... aparte tengo los horarios muy poco definidos, de hehco la siguiente semana tendre una clase que no enseñe hoy, debo enseñar un nivel, en lel cual los laumnos deben escuchar las ideas y repetrilas. En ingles por supuesto.

From there we have the fact that , students don't listen to english conversation on a regular basis, that the contact they can get is from the internet, tv, radio, etc. How ever the rather listen to mexican artists, like Alejandro Fernandez o Belinda. People who are popular and yes talented, But that sing in spanish. Thank you very much. I don't disagree with the right every people have ther local artist however. When trying to teach a new language, you don't only have to teach the language, but the culture must be taught aswell.

When I studied japanese my teacher did taught us the culture, it was easy for them, i suppose, because they are japanese or becase they were mexican that sudied in Japan.

However when you work as a teacher in this company. Where you have to follow steps and the classes are recorded on camara, and though you know nobody is looking you feel like every single step you miss will be used agianst you. you.. well I freak out!

The finding out that even if you try your hardest, even if youwere punctual had the uniform, smile clapped and danced, it's not enough. If a student decides not to study anymore, no more bonus.

That isn't nice.

So here I post and continuew watching glee forth episode of the new season.

Today I still have 3 classes left. My Mom says I should take it with philosophy. Wiht which the company's or mine, may I ask?

martes, 10 de agosto de 2010


Today my mother helped realise I'm feeling envy. I'm feeling envy towards my friend who has a bigger house than me. Who also has a brother. Plus I feel spirituas envy becaase he confesses his sins, has them forgiven and recives the body of Christ.

What a sinner I am. Envying the most materials things, family and the most spiritula of them all, Christ, himself.

According with the catholic tradition the solution to my envy is one : Charity. So in a rage I took out my old computer ( the lap is broken again) and I gave my mother 500 pesos it's not a lot, but its something.

Some times I think that "from love to hate there is a single step", and as my dear fiend Luyc, I ask myself , why did God put him near to me? Once she was stubbotn , and I told her that it was because God wanted her to convert him.

But I've never ask God why is he in my live? Right now it's a good moment. God why is he in my life? Why do you allow me to feel all this things? Why would you allow to feel and wisht this things? Why do you allow me to be unaffar and eny whe I should be thanking for the great things you give me?

I do agree with the catholic cathecisim, however one thing is agreeing an another what the body feels. At least I know what's good and not good. So if I deliverately choose what's wrong , I'm the one to blame.

I wonder why God allos things? and why I person wants to fall in love eventhoug it's wrong . Or meaby the person wants to feel something, The person being me. I want to feel in love. I want to feel taken care of I feel in need of love and attention. Practically, that the thing , I have love from my parents.

Living like Brent or like Miguel Tamayo. Who do I see happier?

What do I need to be happy?

Money? Love? Success? Making my dreams true? Working without stopping?

Cartoons? Videogames? Friends?

Waht do I need to be happy? My friends things? or my things? I envy his house, good, I want him to take of me good. All are fair feelings. Sinfull, ye. But human. Nothing more am I and nothing else I can feel. This are my feelings, this are my sins, they're mine, if God allows me to have both it's becasue he would rather prefer a living human than a suicide coward.

better lo have a platonic love than to comit dishonest actions, isn't it your idea God.

I seriously hope you understand. I know you do, still I hope you help me , to understand.


jueves, 18 de marzo de 2010


Esta es una direccion a un canal sobre Japón y su sociedad en ingles , muy bueno :)http://jibtv.com/program/?page=0



sábado, 20 de febrero de 2010

Goodbya and thanks Roger Swan!


My name is Hector. I live in Mexico, and I´m aswell a fan of japanese culture. I´ve been watching Tokyo cooney´s videos for a year now and today I watched, Rodger Swan´s memorial. Been that I have never had the opportunity to go to Japan, this vlogs are a great source of entreteinment and of education as well. SO I'm sorry to find out that a cool vlogger passed a way.

Specially Rodger, eventhoug I just met him watching his vidoes and bio make realize what a kind person he was. I hope he rests in peace.

In the last of his videos he said see you next time, I hope I can meet a man with great character like him in heaven.



domingo, 14 de febrero de 2010


I have not posted in more than a month. I doubt that these letter will help anyone. Vancouver Olympics, started. Whne I was in Vancouver I taught that it will come back that it would beeasy . inever remeber how hard it was thefist time to even get there.
I still have my night job, and I´m looking for a day one but it seems difficult toe get onethat pays what I earn now.
I have dream with travels and stories. But I have never dreamt with a car until today.
I have to plan that, land in my reality and meaby put it in my goal list.
"Another day , another night, hopefully acustomer would make me smile"

miércoles, 13 de enero de 2010

What would a Robot do?

It does not have music, but with the sounds of the robot you really don't need it. lol It's easier to see the moements since the robot, takes its time to do them. Can you imagine how expensive that "roboto" was?
This gives new meaning to the Robo-dance hahaha

Remember what they say "one robot a day, keeps doctor away" lol

martes, 12 de enero de 2010