Un diario digital como habito para mi donde poder expresarme y donde los posts pueden ser en español, ingles o japones.
sábado, 26 de diciembre de 2009
sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2009
12 de Diciembre
Hoy es 12 de Diciembre. En este día se celebran las apariciones de la Virgen de Guadalupe a San Juan Diego en el Valle de México. Gracias a estas apariciones se le construyo un santuario donde hoy 5.1 millones de personas hicieron peregrinacion.
La aparicion de esta imagen significo la conversion de los pueblos indígenas al catolicisimo , lo que redujo muchos conflictos culturales, raciales y políticos, en los tiempos coloniales.
La Virgen de Guadalupe, es hoy un símbolo mexicano, aun para los no católicos, que simboliza a México, el amor a la patria y la posibilidad de volver: recordemos que los mexicanos que viven en otros paises, en su mayoria en Estados Unidos la veneran allí donde estan.
La "lupita" como la conocen los mas humildes es considerada es una imagen de la Virgen María , cual se visitiera con otor vestiod, es la misma humilde hebrea mujer que recibio la visita del angel San Gabriel y quedo embarazada por obra gracia del Espiritu Santo.
Disfrutemos este día de veneracion, flores y canto.
Cambiando de tema Abraham.
viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2009
Blessed water
I taught in adding some pictures. I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a while. But today, I'm loking forward to do another collage with pictures. Hope you like it! The theme is: Blessing water!
In recent news, the laptop I took to Canada was exchanged. Thi second one was loaded with pictures of my sister. I would never imagine someone could have more than a Gigabyte in pictures! NOw that I backed up most of them, I took the laptop to the computerman, hopefully he would be able not only to format it, but also to fix the fact that sometimes the screen goes white. I´ll le yout know how does that go.

In recent news, the laptop I took to Canada was exchanged. Thi second one was loaded with pictures of my sister. I would never imagine someone could have more than a Gigabyte in pictures! NOw that I backed up most of them, I took the laptop to the computerman, hopefully he would be able not only to format it, but also to fix the fact that sometimes the screen goes white. I´ll le yout know how does that go.
martes, 8 de diciembre de 2009
Summer Wars
I was looking for thi smovie since I read about it on Manuel´s blog http://www.manuel.midoriparadise.com/ I finally was able to watch it. Hpe you can enjoy it!
Summer Wars Movie
Summer Wars Movie
viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009
Mi casa tu casa.
I came from work arround four in the morning. I took a video of the apartment were my family and me live. As you can see the style is mexican. I hope you like the video. You're allways wellcome to my house. Its a little dark, but you can see the living room and the dinning room's table. My house is really colorfull and cosy.
Mi casa tu casa.
jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009
Fotos del CUCEA

Esta es la Universidad dond estuide, tome fotos de pasillos, patios, balcones,y areas verdes con conexion a internet.
Hay un cyber jardin, que es dnnde puedes conectar tu laptop con cable de Ethernet par tener internet. Esto era muy moderno y se le copio auna universidad priva el Tecnologico de Monterrey. Se usaba antes de que el Wi-fi fuera tan popular. Espero que te gustne las fotos y te recuerden México y veas donde pasaba el tiempo. Se puede ver soleado, mucho mas que Vancouver >.<

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009
New cellphone
(I'll paste a picture of the phone itself later *-*)
No time no write! Today I asked my father to buy me thsi cellphone!
I will pya it but he got it for me. Working so much spaking about cellphones. I finally decided that I wanted one. Specially this one becasue it has a camera and my friend has it as well.
I hope I cn take pictures of México that I can share with you. Meaby this will be a new way to express my life and adventures if I share pictures. What do you think? I'll let you how did I like it later on! Cheers! God bless!

No time no write! Today I asked my father to buy me thsi cellphone!
I will pya it but he got it for me. Working so much spaking about cellphones. I finally decided that I wanted one. Specially this one becasue it has a camera and my friend has it as well.
I hope I cn take pictures of México that I can share with you. Meaby this will be a new way to express my life and adventures if I share pictures. What do you think? I'll let you how did I like it later on! Cheers! God bless!
jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009
How are you today? Do you like other cultures? Do you like to learn different languages? Do you have experinece learning this in a classroom? How about learning it in TV? Allow me to introduce you with NHK. NHK is japanese channel in englished, filmed in Japan. Now you can watch the version for people outside Japan. this channel is for those who like japanese culture and for descedents of japnese eople around the globe. NHK has different types of shows about culture, hobbies, news, business, japanese, travells, etecetera.
One of the mail reasons I like this channels is because it let me practice my english and learn more a bout Japan. The country I'm passioned about.
Instead of getting to pay to your cable company or satellite compnay you can watch it in this links:
- http://jibtv.com/program/?page=2&program_id=1680
- http://jibtv.com/program/index.aspx?page=2&program_id=9998
domingo, 25 de octubre de 2009
Japanese cellphone AQUOS
Japanese Watch Cell Phone TVs
Associated Press Email 04.01.06
TOKYO -- Digital TV broadcasts for mobile phones equipped with special receivers began in Japan's major urban areas Saturday, following several months of test broadcasts.
But finding new phones in stores proved hard as eager consumers have already snapped up the limited number of handsets on the market. Japan's major mobile carriers say sales are good, but have not disclosed numbers.
Japan's mobile TV service is not the world's first -- South Korea, Britain and several other nations offer a similar service, although with different technologies. Mobile users in some parts of the United States can also tap into digital broadcasts.
But the new service in Japan, which is free, will potentially reach the broadest market yet through the country's terrestrial digital broadcast system, which relays images through the air via TV towers, not satellites.
It also uses broadcasting air waves, rather than an internet connection, to relay streaming video.
Japan's 90 million mobile phone users already play video games, download music files, exchange e-mail, read news, trade stocks, store digital photos and surf the web -- all on tiny handset screens half the size of a business card. from http://www.wired.com/
sábado, 24 de octubre de 2009
viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009
World's coolest Mobile Phone Shop is in Japan
Japanese cellphone videos, Enjoy!
World's coolest Mobile Phone Shop is in Japan
World's coolest Mobile Phone Shop is in Japan
jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009
miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009
Anger and disapointment
Today I saw a video in youtube about Tokyo cooney's house in Japan. I also watched a video filmed in Guadalajara, about anger management. When I watched the first one I kind off flet disapointed, that house wasn't at all an Mtv cribbs. The anger management show had two psycologists and it was in spanish...
I recomend you the movie in the picture, ciao
domingo, 11 de octubre de 2009
I'm sooo sleepy right now! I had to come to work, ttommorwrw monday I'll have my free day adn hopefully I will be albe to got sleep.
Did you went to mass today? What do you thing about the gospell? Is hard to get rid fo the material attraction right. But then when we things how many good thing we have recived from good it becomes a little bit easier. bye
viernes, 9 de octubre de 2009
El limite de la obediencia
Entonces me he entendió bastante las llamada primero hablando con una señora de Europa oriental a la que casi no le entendía y a la que gracias a DIOS, llegó otra persona que le ayudo y soluciono el problema verdadero , no el que yo había entendido.
Después acabo de tener una inocente llamada de un colombiano que esta en EUA que quiere checar su correo desde su telefono , todod lo que tenia que hacer es crearlo de la pagina que y como le dio un error pues intentarlo mas tarde.... Pues que crees que por estar soñoliento y hambriento que me he tardado mas de 40 y tantos minutos hablando con él y poniéndolo en espera , mas otros veintitantos hablando en conferencia con la especialista de Blackberries...
Sabes que la obediencia tiene sus limites, uno la caridad, otro la religión y otro el bien propio. El legitimo bien propio. Esto de no cenar hasta las dos de la madrugada, no tiene madre. Lo bueno es que yo si, asi que para no enfurecerme mañana, intentare comer en el horario de siempre. Que pueda ono Dios se paiade de mi y de mis prójimos.
jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009
One song, tons of memories.
This song reminds me of a lot of things. Things of the past. hopes of the future. i hope you enjoy it and get tolike it. Is a kind of sad song, soudn like that. Never really heard the lyrics. Is so intreseting how by listening to some songs, our brain help us remeber of different times, when we were with different peole, feeling different things and having different dreams.
I hope you can listen to those songs that help you remeber. Please enjoy this song, sanged by meabey the most popular japanese pop singer : Hikaru Utada. Who lived for some time in the Unisted States.
I hope you can listen to those songs that help you remeber. Please enjoy this song, sanged by meabey the most popular japanese pop singer : Hikaru Utada. Who lived for some time in the Unisted States.
miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009
martes, 6 de octubre de 2009
Ayer vi dos nuevas OAD (Other animation DVD) de holic en youtube.com.
Es algo original este proyecto por que son dos caricaturas diferentes. esa de hoic y la de Tsubasa chronicles y en las dos los personajes viven en diferentes mundos y en ocasiones se relacionan.
Holic es una serie de fantasia, comedia y suspneso. Mientras que Tsubasa es de fantasia, romance y accion. A ambas las recomiendo ampliamente.
Ojala te des la oportundiad de verlas. Ciao.
Holic es una serie de fantasia, comedia y suspneso. Mientras que Tsubasa es de fantasia, romance y accion. A ambas las recomiendo ampliamente.
Ojala te des la oportundiad de verlas. Ciao.
Queria postear de naime poque ayer que no me pdia dormir me puse a leer un manga en jpaonés. Hace mucho timepo que no posteaba sobre eso y meparece que si rastreamos el historial d emi blog la mayoria de los temas son de netretenimiento japonés. Asi que rescatando esta costumbre aqui posteo algunas sugerencias de historias para leer.
sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2009
Two symptoms and one joke
The last couple of days I have been a little sick. Stomache and diarrea have been the most relevant syntoms. "Doctor, Doctor, I want to feel healthy" "Dear patient stop eating the wrong food" lol
I heard a joke yesterday, An italian farmer liked the train that crosses the fields. One day he decided to but a ticket. The lady in the station ask do you want a return ticket, and he in his mad mmood anwered "What do you care" and taking his ticket he rided the train.
The train started crossing the fields and it got in to a tunel. It was dark. In his there was a priest reading. He realised the man was nervous.
-Are you allright- he asked.
-No-the farmer replied- where are we going to?
-Hell-said the priest,
-Ohh, it does not matter after all I have a returning ticket.
I don´t know if its how is supposed to be. Hope you laught though.
sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2009
Back to ingles!
How do you remeber your languages? I realize that which ever language I speak I later on want to talk it. I know tree: spanish(native), english and spanish. I fI spend sometime listening to one,later on the day I want to speak it, I think in it and even sometimes I answer in it. It's kind off cool. However, since I use english in my job I must be good at it, and living in Mexico it can be dificult.
The tempation of listening songs in spanish is big. There are some cool new groups out there that I like. For example La Quinta Estacion. They are from Spain, and started their carrier in Mexico. They are super great. I would like to sing tehir songs every day, and even go to karoke and sing them. hahaha
Well, its time to say to myself: Hector get back to English!
PS Recomendations of singers in english are very welcome.
The tempation of listening songs in spanish is big. There are some cool new groups out there that I like. For example La Quinta Estacion. They are from Spain, and started their carrier in Mexico. They are super great. I would like to sing tehir songs every day, and even go to karoke and sing them. hahaha
Well, its time to say to myself: Hector get back to English!
PS Recomendations of singers in english are very welcome.
sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009
Angelinos de la Eucaristia
viernes, 21 de agosto de 2009
¿Somos lo que leemos?
He leído en un blog esta frase. Me pregunto: ¿Soy resultado de lo que he leído y visto? ¿Soy una consecuencia de las peliculas japonesas, comics y literatura para adolescentes? Me pregunto ¿Si ubiese leido otras cosas seria una persona diferente... Con diferentes gusto, aficiones y fobias.
¿Tendria mas seguridad, habría viajado por el mundo, me abría animado a comprar un carro y tal vez ubiera tenido mujeres por monton. Pero no. Elegi leer Karekano en vez, de ver las novelas de las 7 de Televisa. Eleji estudiar japonés en vez de algun arte marcial que me hiciera mas fuerte y atractivo. Lei libros de administracion y textos de mercadotecnia que me hiceron comprender mas a las compañías y menos a las personas.
En conclusion si soy lo que leo , debo leer lo que quiero llegar a ser. con razón los Santos a su vez leyeron la vidad e otors santos. Segunda conclusion, no debo leer libros de asesinos, narcos, etc. Aunque quien sabe tambien comprendiendo al mal se le evita.
somos lo que leemos
jueves, 20 de agosto de 2009
viernes, 7 de agosto de 2009
Si Dios no ayuda
En vano construye el constructor y el vigilante cuida la fortaleza, Si Dios no ayuda se cae la casa y la fortaleza es atacada... prueba de so es que ya tenia todo mi collage listo y por ocnifar enmis propias fuerzas no pedirle ayuda a Dios se me fue el internet y bam que ya no se guardo.
De todos modos no es justo que me lleve credito por fotos que no son mias o por estilos ajenos asi que os invito simplemente a navegar por www.style-arena.jp
De todos modos no es justo que me lleve credito por fotos que no son mias o por estilos ajenos asi que os invito simplemente a navegar por www.style-arena.jp
jueves, 6 de agosto de 2009
Jesus de la Divina Misericordia
Del latín: Misericordia
Misericordia: La disposición a compadecerse de los trabajos y miserias ajenas. Se manifiesta en amabilidad, asistencia al necesitado, especialmente de perdón y reconciliación. Es mas que un sentido de simpatía, es una práctica.
La misericordia es el amor en práctica: Historia del Buen Samaritano, Lc 10, 27-37
La misericordia es la razón de la Encarnación de Jesucristo.
La misericordia es un atributo de Dios. El es la fuente de la misericordia:
Su misericordia alcanza de generación en generación a los que le temen. Lucas 1:50
Por las entrañas de misericordia de nuestro Dios, que harán que nos visite una Luz de la altura. Lucas 1:78
Todos dependemos de la misericordia de Dios. Reconocerlo y responder con misericordia es el camino de la salvación.
Pues Dios encerró a todos los hombres en la rebeldía para usar con todos ellos de misericordia. Romanos 11:32
La misericordia mueve a la entrega de alma y cuerpo según el amor divino.
Os exhorto, pues, hermanos, por la misericordia de Dios, que ofrezcáis vuestros cuerpos como una víctima viva, santa, agradable a Dios: tal será vuestro culto espiritual. Romanos 12:1
Jesús exige la misericordia como requisito para que el culto sea auténtico:
Id, pues, a aprender qué significa aquello de: Misericordia quiero, que no sacrificio. Porque no he venido a llamar a justos, sino a pecadores.» Mateo 9:13
La práctica de la misericordia es necesaria para obtener misericordia de Dios.
Bienaventurados los misericordiosos, porque ellos alcanzarán misericordia. Mateo 5:7
miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2009
martes, 4 de agosto de 2009
This week: Japanese Uban Fashion IV

How are you today? Ready too look at fashion injapanese street. This girl takes by hear the slogan the street is a runaway.
I want you to pay attention to a smal detail in the picture in the left. There is a small icecream in the strap. That is know as "Sweet decoration" Wich are made at home with soft clay then put in the oven. The idea is to have figures of candies or desserts to decorate. Ingenious , right? To find out more about sweet decoration please go to http://www.tinkleartncrafts.com/catalog.php?category=54
lunes, 3 de agosto de 2009
domingo, 2 de agosto de 2009
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