Humans tend to build. Throughout the history huhmas have built towers, museums, houses, stores, highways, airports, schools, hotels, etcetera. When it comes to praying, we humnas tend to think the more the better. We think that if we pray between the beautifully sculptured walls of a roma cathedral, the shinny crystals of a gothic sanctuarium or inside the big rooms of a basilic we are "more" in the presence of God. Yet, God himself has decided to stay in a little piece of bread: the eucarist. So weather we visit our downtown's giantic cathedral or a small parish in a ranch, if the we see the holly sacrament exposed there is where Jesus is.
He has decided to stay among humnas in this little peace of bread. could he ahve stayed in something bigger and astonishing as one of these buildinas, as impressive as the Nigara waterfalls or as touching as the choirs of sopranos. Of course, he could have. But he has decided to stay in this peace of bread.
One of the main differences, cahtholic temples, have with others, not less beautiful costructions, for there are many beautiful musks, sinagogues and buddist temples, is that for catholics God is really within the church. I the eucharist God's presence is in the church, no only in spirit but in body too. the eucarist is a mistery. I invite you to meditate about it.
PS. i apologize for the spelling mistakes, but I haven't written in a while.