jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011


It is a bit disappointing to work were I work, because the students don't seem to learn as much as they should to me. ayway I know they are ot rich. of course, they have more monye, thame, but if they were richer, they could travel to Vacouver or Australia to lear more English.

I feel tired ad i have realized that after some woder vacation in Europe, life back to guadalajara, is not as much fu, and is defenetly less expensive. Now I have to worry about paying my debt and saving for a car. I really don't have any big goals, or mile stones, I now I need to wrok to have anicer life style, becasue my parents do help with food and stuff.

What do do next? who knows? But for now I am only waiting.

martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011


Si algo pueod aprender del chico de Buffalo del post anterior es a hacer entradas, solo con fotos. despues de todo, dicen que una imagne vale mas que cien palabras.

domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2011


sometimes I don't let myself listen to music that is not in english, becasue it's better for my job. Because that say I have more vocabulary and fluency for the students. then I find the blog of this boy http://hausofjamey.tumblr.com/ he was 14 and h ekilled himself becasue he was bullied at school. From his case I can analyze thqat his parents di not have good communication with him since a lot of the pics he posted are not suited for children. Many specialists recommend that children's computers most be placed in publick areas of the houses so parents can supervise, whatever their children are doing on them.

regarding with the music, as I said i usually scold myself for listening to music in spanish, like Mecano, Julieta Venegas, Paulina Rubio, Thalia. people that don't sing in english. after knowing this boy's sad story I should realize that before pleasing everybody else I shoudl think of my own, mental, spiritual and physical health. this little boy listened to lady gaga i mention her a lot in my classes from now on I shoul avoid it. I should look for more positiv english speaking singers. looking forward to hear suggestions


viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2011

Radio por internet

Os queria recomendar este website http://www.live365.com/index.live en el que podreis escuchar muscia de muchos lugares del mundo. solo necesitas hacer una cuenta gratuita y podes escuchar musica de radio, variada e interestante. Que os guste!

Escritura y una anectoda simpatica

Que es verdad que cuando niño yo soñaba en escribir, sin mebargo, nunca he escrito, ni novela, ni cronica, ni nada parecido. cuando iva al psiquiatra este me ha dicho que escribiese, sin embargo, el director espiritual que tuve nunca me lo recomendo.

Es bien sabido que Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra autor de El Quijote escribio mientras estaba en prision, y es que para escribir, hay que tener teimpo y dedicacion. Si bien, sera que a mi en lo de escribir nadie me ha dicho que tenog talento, ademas, el buscar escribir al talle de Tolkien o de J.K. Rowling es algo que paree tan titanica empresa que el solo empezar a intentarlo es desalentador.

La idea, sin embargo de ser escritor que si me ha rondado. Que porque no doctor, astronauta o tejedor de tapetes, pues seguro que porqeu yo vei a mi madre leer libros. Siempre despues de comer, solia leer alguna novel ingles ade Agatha Christi o algo asi.

Os voy a contar ahora una anecdota de cuando era ñino. pues resulta que fuimos a una tienda departamental en un centro comercial, no revelo el nombre por no si este post llega a ser leido por algn ejectuivo de la empresa. bueno, pues bien que yo queria un librito ilustrado de l apelicual de distey La bella durmiente. Se lo habia pedido a mi madre que platicaba con mi padre y no me hacia mucho caso. Al ver esto yo le insisti que lo guardara en su bolsa y me olvide del asunto. minutos depsues de haber salido de la tienda me percate de que no habiamos pagado el librito. le comente pero dijo que no importaba.

Bueno pues tal vez no me he vuelto escrito por ese delito culposi en que irrumpi desde pequeño. Ah, que dirian los grandes escritores catolico como Santo tomas de aquino o San Alfonso De Ligorio de saber desde este insidetente literario. Tampoco creo que aprobaran mucho mis afanes literarios, mas bien, me exhortarian a la santidad.

Luego por eso me sorprendo tanto del progreso en los paises europeos. Pareciera que aquella permisiva falta de valores, luego les da campo para el progreso. ¿O sera que la ciencia y la moral en estan en campos diferente? Luego entonces un esposo puede serle infiel a su mujer y al mismo tiempo encontrar una cura para una enfermedad o inventar un dispositivo tecnologico de inmenso beneficio para su sociedad? Vaya en menudo lio etico y tecnologico me he metido.

miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2011


Humans tend to build. Throughout the history huhmas have built towers, museums, houses, stores, highways, airports, schools, hotels, etcetera. When it comes to praying, we humnas tend to think the more the better. We think that if we pray between the beautifully sculptured walls of a roma cathedral, the shinny crystals of a gothic sanctuarium or inside the big rooms of a basilic we are "more" in the presence of God. Yet, God himself has decided to stay in a little piece of bread: the eucarist. So weather we visit our downtown's giantic cathedral or a small parish in a ranch, if the we see the holly sacrament exposed there is where Jesus is.

He has decided to stay among humnas in this little peace of bread. could he ahve stayed in something bigger and astonishing as one of these buildinas, as impressive as the Nigara waterfalls or as touching as the choirs of sopranos. Of course, he could have. But he has decided to stay in this peace of bread.

One of the main differences, cahtholic temples, have with others, not less beautiful costructions, for there are many beautiful musks, sinagogues and buddist temples, is that for catholics God is really within the church. I the eucharist God's presence is in the church, no only in spirit but in body too. the eucarist is a mistery. I invite you to meditate about it.

PS. i apologize for the spelling mistakes, but I haven't written in a while.