lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012


What do you do when someone us sick and you cannot so anything to help then on your own. I know someone like that and I don't help that someone today. How can I get the help for that person. I was about to ask, but I feel I need to help with the help of others , but sick woman, may God have help of her.

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012


Lately I been thinking about the bible. How both Catholics and Christians recommend reading it. How rich and poor read it. If I had been God I would also have made My book available to all people. It surprises me how this book can be the light for so many. Wether ignorant or wise, young or old, free or in prison, sick or healthy, regardless of social condition or profession.

How incredible that this book is so good for everybody. But still sometimes I am reluctant to read it.

I was going to tell a person what I am a catholic, and nota Christian as she is. But I changed my mind.

Since I work in a company which is Christian, whose owner is a Shepard . Many of the things I teach tend to have a Christian point of view.

So if I wanted to define why am I catholic still, some the reasons would be:

•exorcism. The catholic religion has pretty good and holy exorcists, whereareas in other religions the phenomena of possession seemed to be treated in a way that seemed weird to me. Even the Jewish way, that does include the praying of salmons, for obvious reasons doesn't include the use of the name of Jesus.
So to me the catholic sacramental of exorcism is one of the reasons I am catholic.

• Family. Another reason I am catholic is because in my family there are religious people. My aunt is Amun, another works in a catholic school, a cousin is a monk and another is in the seminar, so we can say my family is catholic, it is like a family thing.

•Mexico. Historically people in my nation have been fervent Catholics. Although sometimes this is only a habit, it is also a tradition that in times of crisis reminds me, that I chose to stay a catholic, that came first.

Changing my religion won't solve my problems. It won't improve my work situation as it looks.

It is through prayer and maybe through believing in the Virgin Mary that this temptation or doubt would defeney be overcomed.