jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012

money $

I am worried because I am paying 900 pesos a month for my loans at the bank. I should pay more to the capital, but right now I don't do that because I have other expenses like gasoline and groceries. but the truth is I spend a lot of money going out.

By the way my cousin LF disappeared, he used to do drugs I hope he didn't pass out, somewhere in a bar.  or a street. May he appear soon.

Yesterday I met a friend from church, she reminded me that I don't want to work in the school. Forever, but with the debt. it seems to be I'll be working there for a long while.

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012

Genju no Seiza

Last saturday I met my sister's boyfriend who is a spanish guy. We kind of debated and he didn't fell happy about it, I was hungry and we were both drunk, so i would prefer not to see him again for a while.

Anyway this morning Claudi and I, both got the wrong shoes. strange coincidence. I asked to transalte a manga, and I was sent a link to trnalate the chapter / of a manga, that is already transalted. I know if I tell the gril that the manga is already translated or if I should just do it as practice. Ayyway I amrealy teh whole pagan story and here is the link of the info Genju no Seiza.

By the way, I started downloading music again, but I am not p From Banan Yoshiko.

God willing, I will go to Mexico City. woo hoo

blog del padre Fortea: Este soy yo en la cena de ayer.

blog del padre Fortea: Este soy yo en la cena de ayer.: En realidad, es mi alma. Mi alma es así, lo que pasa es que vosotros no la véis. La foto es porque ayer en el colegio donde vivo, tuvimo...