Un diario digital como habito para mi donde poder expresarme y donde los posts pueden ser en español, ingles o japones.
lunes, 29 de junio de 2009
More CNN's videos related with Japan
Can you beleive japanese learn english from Barack Obama's speeches?
This video made me emotional. Please watch it !
domingo, 28 de junio de 2009
The democracy is upside down

Today morning of June 28th, president Ayala, the president of Honduras, was kiddnapped and treaten with guns. Forced to get in the presidential plane and left in the airport of Santa Maria at San Jose, Costa Rica.
A president kiddnapped, away from his family, unrecognized by the militars and kicked out bye the order of an ambitious elite, "Una mafia", as he recalled them.
In this days were irans have been struggling for democracy in a southamerican country the democrats feel offended for the unacceptable circumstances in which president Ayala has been put to.
Fortunately president Oscar Arias, president of Costa Rica and Novell award of peace, has receved him not as arefugee but as a guest. Later athey would meet with other presidents of the continent and they would have to discuss and fix a plan to help president Ayala to go back to his country and finish his term.
costa rica,
presidente ayala
jueves, 25 de junio de 2009
The Diary
I have read in other sources that a blog is a dairy to share. I also have a pink note book as my diary were I write those situations that affect, make me happy, my adventures, etecetera.
For example that I went to the Guadalajara's zoo with my neighbours. That I had an exam 2 days ago at work and my grade had to be 90 or above. Thank God it was of 98! : )
I suposed in my diary i should add the party I went to at my Uncle's house for the celebration of the Father's Day.
Were we ate mole, rice, beans and Carlota. Whichs a delicous deset my Aunt made of cream and fruit. It was a ncie party becasue we had, greatgrand parents, grandparents, parents, children and finally grand children. Not something you see every day. Don´t you think ?
I could wonder what an iranian write in his/her diary while people in Iran is fighting for democracy. Do they have dreams of better days? Do they expect a savior? What kind of prayers would an iranian write?
Meaby a huge trascendent diary as Anna Frank's.
Father's day,
domingo, 21 de junio de 2009
Untipical songs for Christmas
I listened to this song in Culidaca, Sinaloa in the Christmas dinner. Finally I searched for it. Hope you like it. Post two videos so you can cheer up ! Happy Father's day here in Mexico!
This is another song I heard in that Christmas' dinner. Is important for me becasue my Aunt was happy to hear it and that was the first Christmas' dinner without my uncle, since he passed away.
This is another song I heard in that Christmas' dinner. Is important for me becasue my Aunt was happy to hear it and that was the first Christmas' dinner without my uncle, since he passed away.
lunes, 15 de junio de 2009
Manga and Safety. Are they related?

This term refers to japanese comic books. It all starts when publishers working for the same company put together some pages of their story draws a in a tankobon. Which are like the yellow pages book, but with comics on them. Everyweek, the cover changes having characters in the cover of one of the stories.
This tankobon can be get a newspapers and magazine kiosk. They’re made of recycled paper. Most of the times Japanese people send them again to reciclying and if they really like the story. They buy a smaller, prettier, more colorfull comic book. This ones are to collect and they’re prices vary depending on the novelltiy or if you get the new or used .
When a manga is very popular. Japanese love statististics and clasificiation so they must do tons of market studies. The animated serie is created. Whit it a lot of figurines, toys, food, etcetera. There is a hole industry behind an animated series. Companies make a lot of money for selling this goods. Which goes to the employees. So is something good. Good for the readers, good for the employees.
I would like to research one day, about the relation between the low crime level in Japan and the reading manga in Japan. I read that a Japanese young person at least reads one manga per week. It has to be related. What do you think? Please comment.
sábado, 13 de junio de 2009
English vs. Japanese
I started to work at a calling center again. For customers in the USA that are assited from Mexico. I heard today that the indians are better sellers through phoen than mexicans.
However, mexicans get to solve issues for the customer and help the cusotmer himslef to solve them. This is just an opinion of one of my co-workers. What do you think ?

Now becasue I'm working with english I have to use english every day.
Speak english in the clasroom. Read in english the information I must know and talk to my trainers in english.
Speak english in the clasroom. Read in english the information I must know and talk to my trainers in english.

You may think, What's the big deal about speaking in english if you have worked in calling center before? The anwer is simple: 3 months of not speaking in english. I worked at HP and there english is used for documents, to read and write e-mails and to speak with some customers. However, I didn't had a position there as a representative.
The next month, april. I was unemployed and I met Taku Suhimoto. The joy of meeting a japanese guy motivate to create an enviroment of japanese again.
Now I find myself in the positon of having nto only to remeber english. But the get an accent. Here were i worked now they are ocncerned o the accent. The other callign center were i used to work they didn't mind that much. But here, is mandatory to speak properly. Paused. Pronouncing all vowels and delivering fluently the message to the customer. What a change, ha?

So now I'm in the quest, the mission, the task of realearning english. I wish I could say "Just put it in my vains" like Homer Simpson's Barney said once. Yet, I have to practice it agian. To perfection it. And of course to be able to bring food to my table. Well, meaby just to tkae to Mc Donald's
In the University were I studeied. They have conversation clubs. I found the polyglot, people who meet and practice languages. Yet, is late at night and my trining starts at 6:30 so is not that easy to wake up the next day.
When I was in High school I used to hear Alanis Morissette a lot and that helped with my english. Ironicly I wanted to Canada. That was never planned. Hope you enjoy her song and that it improve your english! Until other time!
calling center,
conversation clubI,
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