I started to work at a calling center again. For customers in the USA that are assited from Mexico. I heard today that the indians are better sellers through phoen than mexicans.
However, mexicans get to solve issues for the customer and help the cusotmer himslef to solve them. This is just an opinion of one of my co-workers. What do you think ?

Now becasue I'm working with english I have to use english every day.
Speak english in the clasroom. Read in english the information I must know and talk to my trainers in english.
Speak english in the clasroom. Read in english the information I must know and talk to my trainers in english.

You may think, What's the big deal about speaking in english if you have worked in calling center before? The anwer is simple: 3 months of not speaking in english. I worked at HP and there english is used for documents, to read and write e-mails and to speak with some customers. However, I didn't had a position there as a representative.
The next month, april. I was unemployed and I met Taku Suhimoto. The joy of meeting a japanese guy motivate to create an enviroment of japanese again.
Now I find myself in the positon of having nto only to remeber english. But the get an accent. Here were i worked now they are ocncerned o the accent. The other callign center were i used to work they didn't mind that much. But here, is mandatory to speak properly. Paused. Pronouncing all vowels and delivering fluently the message to the customer. What a change, ha?

So now I'm in the quest, the mission, the task of realearning english. I wish I could say "Just put it in my vains" like Homer Simpson's Barney said once. Yet, I have to practice it agian. To perfection it. And of course to be able to bring food to my table. Well, meaby just to tkae to Mc Donald's
In the University were I studeied. They have conversation clubs. I found the polyglot, people who meet and practice languages. Yet, is late at night and my trining starts at 6:30 so is not that easy to wake up the next day.
When I was in High school I used to hear Alanis Morissette a lot and that helped with my english. Ironicly I wanted to Canada. That was never planned. Hope you enjoy her song and that it improve your english! Until other time!
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