Last night I went to a gradaution party. My cousin from Sinaloa finished her degree in Design. My relatives came all the way south from Culiacan. We had drinks, a delicious chiken soup, chicken filled with shrimps and lot of fun.
I danced in a circle with my cousins, my sister, and firneds of them. It was cool. It had been a while since I had some much fun . :D
Today is Pentecostes. We also have a "Torna graduacion" Which means that we also have lunch together. Remeber that in mexcian culture. Luch around two or thre p.m. is the most important meal of the day to share with those ones you love.
Tomorrow I have an interview at the corporate offices of HSBC here @ Guadalajara, Mexico. during this last two weeks I have been in a tranning course about english and about modules of the representatives skills. Me and my coworkers, presented tests on thursday. If we passed those then we will be alloud to continue to the producto trainning. The product trainning lasts one month.
If I didn't passed the test, then the interview will be so much more important.
Wish me lot of succes, some prayers would be o.k. too. Have a lot of fun!
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